Private Yoga Classes, Therapy and Counseling

Each session lasts between an hour and an hour and a half.

Appointments available in the morning: between 9 am and 12 noon.
Appointments available in the afternoon: between 2 pm and 8 pm.

Please fill out the private session request form below.

1. Personal Yoga Sadhana and Meditation
Swamiji, will create for you a personalized, systematic training module that includes selected asanas, breathing exercises, specific kriyas and meditation to suit one's age, temperament, medical and spiritual needs.

2. Advanced Kriya Meditation Practice
This is a two-hour, guided meditation practice. One-on-one, we practice Ashwini mudra, Jyoti mudra, Chakra anusandhan, Om chanting, visualization exercises, healing affirmations, past-life memory-stimulation exercises, and silent meditation.

3. Body work with Gentle Yoga
The body work begins with a gentle massage of the soles of the feet, then working on the toes, the ankle joints, the calf muscles, simple hip-joint exercises; exercising the lower back, the spine, the shoulders, and the neck; followed by head massage and ending with deep relaxation, breathing and short meditation.

Some likely benefits are release of emotional blocks from the muscles and organs of the body. This helps to heal relationship wounds. It is a good tool for nurturing and nourishing the emotional personality.

4. Yoga Nidra
This is one of the best Relaxation exercises in the Science of Yoga. With Swami, this guided practice is done lying down in a serene, comfortable posture. It helps in deepening your meditation. It also helps quite a lot in reducing high blood pressure, insomnia, and other forms of stress disorders.

Since one aspect of the exercise involves accessing the memory, childhood traumas, abuses, wrong upbringing and the pain of relationship wounds can come up to the surface. Suppressed emotions of anger, guilt and shame also come up to the surface. Swami assists you in handling them with present mature understanding. His guidance in how to forget and forgive will help release them from the system.

5.      Handling Human Relationship difficulties and Inner struggle through Spiritual methods.

Private Session Request

Please fill out the form below to let Swamiji know you would like to schedule a private session. Sessions can be done over phone, Skype or in-person. Once you fill the form, you will be shown payment options. Swamiji will get in touch personally to schedule.